The SEAFLOAT knitted Scrambling net is designed to retrieve a MOB, either enabling a conscious MOB to climb aboard, or an unconscious MOB to be rolled par buckle onboard in a horizontal position. There is a new IMO standard (III/-17) for the retrieval of persons in the water. This standard will soon affect most operations, SOLAS vessels, passenger vessels, and commercial vessels carrying more than 12 persons, and including FRC’s (Fast Rescue Craft). Each net must extend into the water 1.5 to 2 meters in the water to be effective and meet the new IMO standards for retrieval of persons in the water. The SCN6 is 6 rungs wide or (4ft) which is considered the minimum width for lifting a person in the horizontal position. The net is 2.5 meters long and extends into the water 1.5 to 2 meters.